Launch at DemoPit and TechCrunch 50

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  • We are proud to announce that PeopleBrowsr is live today.
    For the first release of PeopleBrowsr we chose the TC50 conference and the Twitter gateway to owr site.'It makes Twitter Awesomer' told us all the DemoPit visitors who stopped at our booth and rewarded us with more than 200 votes for the best DemoPit application.
    'Impressive', 'Lovely', 'Can I use it now?' were just some of the reactions.
    'It makes twitter visually decadent' are already writing some bloggers who have seen the product at the conference.
    Yes, you can use it, now.
    Go to and log in using your Twitter account. Easy.
    We'll be delighted to have you on board.

    Our Alpha0.2 is work in progress, it will be ready very soon.

    Stay tuned.

  • PeopleBrowsr

    About PeopleBrowsr

    PeopleBrowsr is a technology company which provides enterprise, government and Top Level Domain owners with the ability to launch their own social networks and analyze and engage the members of those networks.

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