.CEO Member Piece: 10 Guiding Principles on How to Ask for Money

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    • Expert Fund-Raiser and CEO of The Ask, Laura Fredricks provides us with 10 invaluable tips on how to seek capital for your latest venture.

    1. The more personal and sincere you are when making your ASK, the better the chances are for getting a “Yes.”

    2. Every person you ASK must be treated separately and distinctly. Avoid making a generic ASK.



    3. Before you ask someone else for money, you must make an investment in your cause first.

    4. Preparation wins the day, so make sure you write out what you want to say; the reaction you think you will get; and what you will say to keep your ASK alive.

    5. ASK your colleagues, friends and family. If you don’t, they will think you perceive others to have more value.


    6. Always ASK for a specific amount and a specific purpose.


    7. Do not decrease the initial ASK amount during the ASK. Give the person some time to think about it.



    8. If the ASK is for an organization, always use “we” instead of “I.” It says that the ASK comes with all the strength and backing of the entire company.


    9. The ASK without organized, structured, and focused follow-up will result in a “No.”


    10. The “Win” is that you made the ASK. Feel proud that you had the courage to ASK for something that is truly important to YOU!



    LAURA’s “Financial A$KING Philosophies” have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the Financial Advisor IQ, as well as on Fox News Channel and WSJ Live: Dow Jones Wealth Advisor. As Founder & CEO of THE ASK© for BUSINESS, LAURA puts the world of asking into perspective by teaching business professionals how to confidently and successfully ask for financial investments, assets and rewards. THE ASK© provides training, coaching and proven best practices to help business professionals further expand their portfolio of capabilities. LAURA’s book on the topic: The A$K: How to Ask for Support for Your Nonprofit Cause, Creative Project or Business Venture. For more, follow LAURA on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ expertontheask or visit: www.EXPERTonTHEASK.com

  • Laura Fredricks

    About Laura Fredricks

    Laura Fredricks, is an expert philanthropic advisor, international inspirational, motivational speaker, attorney, best-selling author and now media personality. She is the owner of her own boutique consulting company, which provides training, coaching, and proven best practices to a select number of nonprofits and businesses, to raise significant money efficiently and effectively from a variety of existing and new sources.

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