Story | .CEO

Welcome New PBAngels: NurtureGirl, PBSukjit & Trish_van_t

Written by PeopleBrowsr | Dec 16, 2008 6:14:00 AM

Welcome to our three new PBAngels, @Nurturegirl, @PBSukhjit and @Trish_van_t. We are delighted to have you PBAngels: we love working with you and we can finally get some sleep!

Our community and development team is located around the world, working in different time zones to be responsive to feedback from the Twitterverse.

We use 'Live' tweets and messages from our Google Group to shape PeopleBrowsr in real time.

Social networking has become 'social developing': we are amazed by the quality of the comments and the engagement of all our users.

Thanks to everyone for your invaluable help and support.