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Why Jean fell in love with PeopleBrowsr

Written by PeopleBrowsr | Jan 22, 2009 2:53:00 AM
I learned from @ValdisKrebs that I am a connector and a boundary spanner. So I was already using Twitter to follow people from many different networks that interest me. But it was getting hard to get what I needed from a single stream. PeopleBrowsr allows me to tag-group my different networks. When I am focused on a philanthropy project, I can give more attention to my philanthropy tag-group. As PeopleBrowsr grows, I can find other people that have been tagged with philanthropy too, growing my information guides and conversation partners. As a member of, I grouped all the guildsmiths, so I can see what my collaborators are discussing. I can and have also sent messages to all the people within a group when I have an announcement, celebration, or link that I want a select group to be sure to see. (I can't wait to use this as a conference organizer!)Filtering
Filtering information is vital to my ability to navigate, and PeopleBrowsr allows complex searches such as putting a quote around multiple terms like "Chicago NetTuesday" or using an * when searching across variations on a word like PeopleB* to find both Peoplebrowsr and PeoplebrowsEr. It even will search for two term that are not next to each other like +tech +nonprofit if I want to find information about nonprofits and technology.

Conference LiveBlogging
I can't attend all the conferences that appeal to me. PeopleBrowsr makes it easy (even if I am at a conference) to follow liveblogging if people use hashtags. Hashtags automatically create groups on twitter, so all I have to do is search for the hashtag! This is also terrific for finding other people you know or want to meet who are talking about the conference before it happens. Now I know, in advance, many of the people I will see and can make plans accordingly.

Replying with Context
When I reply to posts, I can see the tags for that contributor. This helps me get a sense of where their attention goes, where I might know them from, or even give me hints about what I DON'T yet know but might be interested by. Information in a good context is more likely to be relevant and therefore useful.

Like I said in Grouping, I am a connector and boundary spanner. To do this well means I keep track of lots of people and lots of different conversations.
While there are several hundred people that I can say something useful about, PBIDs help me learn or remember who people are. Does that expand my Dunbar number? :)
And for people I admire, I want to make more reputational statements about in their PeopleProfile!
I can look through people's avatars in the gallery view - a completely new way of navigating my network! Furthermore, I can move the images around and create groups. As a highly visual person, this has worked well for me on tags that are not searchable - people I like, for example. :) I use this view to add people to my highly valued stream--those few individuals I don't want to miss a single tweet from.

As I continue using PeopleBrowsr, I find new things to love about its depth. One of my favorite things about it is how easy it is on the surface given how deep the tool can go!
How are you navigating twitter and other social media? Have suggestions on what you want to be able to do? Making request of PeopleBrowsr is easy!