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Evolution of the CEO: Chief Engagement Officer

Written by Cameron Bale | Jul 29, 2015 5:54:00 AM
The “audience”, as we know it, is changing. They now have their own audience, and they are all outside traditional media channels.

Forward thinking enterprises are embracing this social shift, by elevating their public voice to the C-Suite.
Engagement and Integrity: Edelman’s ethos has cemented his place in Forbes’ list of “America’s Favorite Bosses”

Introducing the Chief Engagement Officer (CEO), a vibrant leader with a focus on communication, branding, and community building. Dedication to these efforts boosts the CEO’s profile and encourages an overall sense of trust in the company.

International PR giant Burson-Marsteller surveyed 600 executives, to find that half linked a company’s overall public perception to the reputation of its CEO.

In an interview for McKinsey, Richard Edelman (www.Edelman.CEO), said that since 2008, the list of factors that make up a respected company is evolving. He says “The new gold is actually in engagement and integrity.” 

Let’s make it personal: T-Mobile CEO, John Legere is notorious for his direct community engagement via Twitter.

The voice of the CEO is no longer passed along the wire by teams of consultants and advisors. We have shifted to a time where it is more personal, more engaging and more important than ever before.