Commitment or business winners reach for the drinking horn

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  • There are entrepreneurs who seize every chance, every opportunity, that comes along, in the hope to make the quick money and become rich. Having patience is not everyone’s imagination of business

    An organization that is strong and stable and
    is ready to commit time, money, and patience will be more apt to reap rewards than the quick-hitting opportunist.

    – Richard Miller 

    An opportunist is like someone who has a glass and tries to fill it steadily.

    There are two people:

    • Optimists see their glass as half full.
    • Pessimists see their glass as half empty.

    Problem is:

    For both of them, the glass is not full. 
    Here the opportunist always tries to fill water in.


    In business, forget thinking about being optimistic or pessimistic!
    Once you have your business, you must be committed! There is no half-hearted business!

    “Business winners reach for the drinking horn”, says Tim Fargo, author of the book “Alphabet Success”, and it’s that commitment, from the beginning, that ensures their success.

    How committed are you? And how can you make sure to remain committed?

    Tim Fargo explains:

    Commitment is a process that you can’t just jump into. Real commitment is actually a number of different commitments:

    1. Commitment to yourself
    2. Commitment to your vision
    3. Commitment to action
    4. Commitment to others

    A commitment is more than a mere obligation. It is a strong, inner and serious taken conviction.

    Productive working means knowing exactly what one wants, and then feeling oneself committed. 

    A strong commitment needs:

    1. - A good basis: You must be sure, why you do it
      - A clear description: You alone should know what the meaning is
      - Daily exercise: A commitment is a goal of action (no goal of a result!)

    Engagement leadership, for example, is a commitment for having success in the long run. It requires real emotional commitment on the part of leaders, a great culture, and constant maintenance.

    As a leader you must commit yourself to building relationships and help others becoming successful. Their success must be as important as yours. Feel yourself responsible for others and care about them.

    Leadership means having a heart and empathy for others. This leads to trust.

    Be committed!

    Originally published on Linkedin Pulse.

  • Karin Sebelin
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